May-Johnson & MJ-12 — "Just the facts, ma'am."
Summarizing the much longer investigative post.
Vannevar Bush and James Conant at Manhattan Project’s Hanford site (Source: OSTI)
Whew! Well I’m certainly energized by all the reinforcing feedback from the UAP transparency community on my most recent post laying May-Johnson and the Majestic drop alongside each other. It was a long one, I know, so congratulations again if you made your way all the way through it! I’ve also gotten a lot of useful feedback that busy readers need a short version. Here is that feedback (as well as overall kudos - i.e. any new reader will appreciate a bit of reinforcing social-proof ☺ ) that the post garnered:

To those busy readers, this “just the facts, ma’am” post is for you. It doesn’t include all the epistemology analysis, so for that just go to the full original post. Also, I’m quite sub-par at summarizing my own writing, and as it turns out AI LLMs do a great job of summarizing. Since I normally don’t use AI, I do so today gingerly with the utmost care and notification.
Finally, to subscribers old and new, it’s worth keeping in mind that I tend to update posts several times over the course of the week following the initial publishing. Therefore the email version you receive in your inboxes on publishing will almost certainly not be the most up-to-date, so just click through to see the latest.
Below here, between the two horizontal rules, is the AI (with minor edits from me). With that I’ll let the AI take it away:
The Majestic Drop: A May-Johnson Legacy?
Today [this was June 28th, 2024], on the 50th anniversary of Vannevar Bush’s death, a man whose influence on US defense research during World War II and beyond is often overlooked. I’m diving deeper into the enigmatic “Majestic Drop” and its potential link to a shadowy government program. My recent research has led me to a startling conclusion: the concept of a ‘Majestic-12’ group, allegedly tasked with overseeing the government’s response to the UFO phenomenon, might be rooted in a real historical precedent – the clamorous debate over the ill-fated May-Johnson bill of 1945.
Here are the specifics. Note the following apply — and add probative (exploratory sense) value — whether or not the first Majestic drop was a disinformation effort or a good-faith leak:
The Majestic Drop and Vannevar Bush: The Majestic Drop documents, famously leaked in the 1980s, directly name Vannevar Bush as a member of the Majestic-12 group. Vannevar, the renowned engineer and architect of wartime research, was instrumental in organizing the development of the atomic bomb and shaping the post-war scientific landscape.
May-Johnson: A Blueprint for Secrecy? The May-Johnson bill (Appendix A), a proposed legislation to control atomic energy, was largely forgotten. But its provisions for a powerful, self-governing commission with wide-ranging powers over atomic technology and secrecy bear a striking resemblance to the structure of the alleged Majestic-12 group.
A dark bill meets its darker shadow: Here’s where the pieces fall into place:
"MJ": The codeword “MJ” associated with the Majestic Drop appears to subtly reference “May-Johnson”.
"Majestic": The term “Majestic” itself may be a play on “Royall”, the Army lawyer who drafted the May-Johnson bill based on Vannevar Bush and James Conant’s initial proposal.
“Majic”: The term would have imputed the high degree of secrecy associated with the wartime decryption activity Magic.
"Twelve": While the May-Johnson bill proposed a 9-member commission, the initial proposal drafted by Bush and Conant specified 12 members. Further, the comparative proportions of members’ roles under the Vannevar-Conant bill summary version, and the Majestic group’s version, line up well:
Vannevar-Conant: Scientists : Civilian : Military 5:3:4 MJ-12 c.1947-Q4: Scientists : Civilian : Military 5:4:3
The (Legacy) Program: The May-Johnson bill’s provisions for secrecy, control over technology, and the appointment of powerful, largely unaccountable commissioners eerily mirror the alleged activities of a shadowy government program focused on UFOs and advanced technology.
The ‘Smell-Test’: When May-Johnson’s language is reinterpreted in the context of UFOs and advanced technology, it becomes a chilling blueprint for government secrecy and control: a powerful group with absolute authority, capable of confiscating evidence, silencing witnesses, and controlling the development of potentially game-changing technology.
The Implications: These findings raise serious questions about the potential for a powerful, secretive organization, with roots in the May-Johnson era, to wield undue influence over technology and public discourse. The implications for democracy and transparency in an increasingly technology-driven society are profound.
A fresh stage for Disclosure If the reader is finding the evidence provided is successfully threading the needle, then it portends a chilling implication: a secret program, operating under the guise of Majestic-12, may have been established applying the framework of the May-Johnson bill. This realization undergirds pushing for deeper investigation into ascertaining just how much reality resides behind the Majestic drop and the potential influence of May-Johnson on the government’s response to the UFO phenomenon. It could be the key to unlocking the truth about the government’s involvement in UAPs and a potential threat to democratic functioning posed by a powerful, secretive organization.
You can read the full article here:
PS I've updated my avatar icon across the different channels to improve visibility & contrast.
Anyone acknowledged in previous posts is acknowledged here, with the addition of the diligent Redditors who made their way to the end of the original May-Johnson post and provided reinforcing & actionable feedback, leading to this article version.
Zachary G. “Endless Frontier: Vannevar Bush, Engineer of the American Century”. New York: The Free Press; 1997
Norris, R.; “Racing for the Bomb”. Skyhorse Publishing 2014
Friedman, S.; “Top Secret/MAJIC”; Marlowe & Company, New York 2005
Hewlett R., Anderson O.; “The New World, 1939/1946”. University Park: Pennsylvania State Univ. Press. 1962
accessible text:
Stewart, I, Bush, V.; Conant, J: Summary of bill for the domestic control of atomic energy, 1944 [No source, formal title unknown]
Royall-Marbury bill, first draft for Interim Committee, Manhattan Engineering District, 1945 [No source]
Royall-Marbury bill, second draft for Interim Committee, Manhattan Engineering District, 1945 [No source]
Royall-Marbury bill, third draft for Interim Committee, Manhattan Engineering District, 1945 [No source]
Royall-Marbury bill, fourth draft for Interim Committee, Manhattan Engineering District, 1945 [No source]
[Royall-Marbury subsequent draft(s) draft for Interim Committee, Manhattan Engineering District, 1945] [Unknown how many more drafts existed]
“May-Johnson #1”:
79 H.R. 4280; ProQuest Congressional; Oct 3rd, 1945
accessible text: October 3rd, 1945 Congressional Record (from p. 33, 5 pages)
isolated into Appendix A
“May-Johnson #2”:
79 H.R. 4566; ProQuest Congressional; Nov 1st, 1945
accessible text: Nuclear Regulatory Commission “Legislative history of the Atomic Energy Act 1946, Vol I (large file; p. 1,005 or isolated for download here)
Davis, Christopher M; 9/11 Commission Recommendations: Joint Committee on Atomic Energy — A Model for Congressional Oversight?; CRS Report for Congress, CRS Web; 2004
accessible text:
Quist, Arvind S; Security Classification of Information, Volume 1. Ch 4; Oak Ridge Classification Associates, LLC. Revised 2002
accessible text:
The Constitution of the United States: A Transcription. National Archives, U.S. National Archives and Records Administration, 28 Feb. 2017,
accessible text:
Unlocking further investigation
I hope the reader will not be surprised to learn that, like glowing embers in a field of dry brush, multi-decade extra-constitutional clandestine UAP crash-retrieval & reverse-engineering programs don’t extinguish themselves. It takes lots of research effort on the part of many building on each other. If you want to see The Legacy Program brought back under oversight, support this research - its past accomplishments, its awareness building, and growth of its upcoming scope. Together we can bring transparency to an activity of monumental global importance that would rather gaslight us as to its very existence than operate under rule of law.
BlockedEpistemology’s ETH wallet public key:
And in the interest of helping me stay grounded in culture, you’ll also be encouraging me and mine to get out to a nice restaurant dinner every once in a while. ☺
Thank you. 🙏
PS. An obvious discrediting play on the part of the KotS here would be to throw funds at this from an unpalatable source, tainting by association. Can’t do much to neutralize the effect of that preemptively besides this note.🤷
PPS. If there’s ever enough funds to play with, I’ll be interested in seeding a decentralized-from-the-top-down distributed research effort to take investigating The Legacy Program to the next level..
There, where UAP Researchers Fear to Tread © 2024 by Blocked Epistemology is licensed under CC BY-ND 4.0
Beyond implicit fair-use provisions, this license allows for commercial redistribution of the unedited work (the ND restriction still allows for format changes). As ND restricts translations, if you wish to distribute an accurate translation just message in the comments so I can respond, review & provide permission.
Appendix A - May-Johnson #1 from Congressional record, Senate, of Oct 3rd, 1945

What a gem! Thank you!
Many, many thanks